Sheldon Goldstein joined the group 2018 Workshop on Wigner’s Friend 5 years, 10 months ago
Sheldon Goldstein started the topic Why Bohmian theory? in the forum Bohm's theory 9 years, 1 month ago
Suppose we accept that a fundamental physical theory—while of course having implications about results of measurement and observation—should not involve axioms about measurement or observation. Suppose we thus demand of quantum theory in particular that it be a “quantum theory without observers.” It would seem that the theory would then have…[Read more]
Sheldon Goldstein replied to the topic A new proof of nonlocality in standard quantum mechanics in the forum John Bell Workshop 2014 9 years, 8 months ago
Hi Shan. The crucial point, as you say, is
> physical differences out would require physical differences in.> But the wave function is a description of the in-between process involving the particles, and it is not necessarily physical or ontological only because the input and output are physical.
Remember that the only noncontroversial…[Read more]
Sheldon Goldstein changed their profile picture 9 years, 8 months ago
Sheldon Goldstein changed their profile picture 9 years, 8 months ago
Sheldon Goldstein replied to the topic A new proof of Bell's theorem (Online 12/30 @ 8 p.m. UTC-4) in the forum John Bell Workshop 2014 9 years, 8 months ago
Hi Shan. You are right. The proof is too simple. The mistake is this:
One should not take it for granted that the wave function is genuinely
physical, objective, ontic, in the proof of nonlocality. The proof
should depend only on the experimental facts of quantum theory. But for
your proof to work, you must assume that the wave function is…[Read more] -
Sheldon Goldstein started the topic Bell on Bohm in the forum John Bell Workshop 2014 9 years, 8 months ago
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Bell on Bohm
Published by Sheldon Goldstein on December 17, 2014 | Leave a response | EditA memorial conference for John Bell, open to the public, was held at Rutgers University around 20 years ago. I gave there a short talk on Bell’s views about David Bohm’s “hidden variables” formulation…[Read more]
Sheldon Goldstein wrote a new post 9 years, 8 months ago
Sheldon Goldstein
Submitted to “Quantum Nonlocality and Reality – 50 Years of Bell’s theorem”
A memorial conference for John Bell, open to the public, was held at Rutgers University around 20 years ago. I gave there a short talk on Bell’s views about David Bohm’s “hidden variables” formulation of quantum mechanics, a version of quantum mechanics often called the de Broglie-Bohm theory or Bohmian mechanics. This theory was in fact discovered by Louis de Broglie in 1927. In 1952, it was rediscovered and developed by Bohm, who was the first to appreciate its connection to the predictions of standard quantum mechanics. I did not publish the talk.
I have decided that it would be appropriate to publish a very lightly edited version of it here, in this volume devoted to the work of Bell on the foundation of quantum mechanics. One reason for doing so is that the connection between Bell and Bohm continues to be somewhat underplayed, with the strength of his advocacy of Bohmian mechanics not properly appreciated. For example, about half of the papers in Bell’s collected works on the foundations of quantum mechanics deal with Bohmian mechanics. But in his fine introduction to the revised edition of this great book (Bell, 2004), Alain Aspect mentions this theory in only a single sentence, and parenthetically at that.
Sheldon Goldstein joined the group John Bell Workshop 2014 9 years, 8 months ago