from physics.hist-ph by Francisco PipaFri Apr 05 2024 13:06:36 (21 hours)# 1.
arXiv:2310.04002v4 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: I propose a novel (interpretation of) quantum theory, which I will call Environmental Determinacy-based or EnD Quantum Theory (EnDQT). In contrast to the well-known quantum theories, EnDQT has the benefit of not adding hidden variables, and it is not in tension with relativistic causality by providing a local causal explanation of quantum correlations without measurement outcomes varying according to, for example, systems or worlds. It is conservative, and so unlike theories such as spontaneous collapse theories, no modifications of the fundamental equations of quantum theory are required to establish when determinate values arise, and in principle, arbitrary systems can be in a superposition for an arbitrary amount of time. According to EnDQT, some systems acquire determinate values at some point, and the capacity to have and give rise to determinate values through interactions propagates to other systems via local interactions. When systems are isolated from the systems that belong to these chains of interactions, they can, in principle, evolve unitarily indefinitely. EnDQT provides a series of novel empirical posits that may distinguish it from other interpretations of quantum theory. Furthermore, via its characterization of the systems that start these chains of interactions, it provides possible payoffs to other areas of physics and their foundations, such as cosmology, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics.
from gr-qc by Sebastian Bahamonde, Daniel Blixt, Konstantinos F. Dialektopoulos, Anamaria HellFri Apr 05 2024 13:05:10 (21 hours)# 2.
arXiv:2404.02972v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We study the degrees of freedom in New General Relativity — flat and metric compatible family of theories — around the Minkowski background in a gauge invariant manner. First, we confirm the decoupling case, in which the theory reduces to linearized gravity plus a massless KR field. We then show that, unless they vanish, the vector modes of this theory will be ghosts. In addition, we find two new branches of the theories, which are ghost-free and propagate linearly two tensor modes and in one of the cases also a massless scalar field. This shows that while the generic theory is ill-behaved, there are three possible realizations of ghost-free cases, in contradiction to the previous literature, which states that there is only one ghost-free theory in addition to general relativity.
from quant-ph by Peter Asenbaum, Chris Overstreet, Mark A. KasevichFri Apr 05 2024 13:05:04 (21 hours)# 3.
arXiv:2404.03057v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In a uniform gravitational field, classical test objects fall universally. Any reference object or observer will fall in the same universal manner. Therefore, a uniform gravitational field cannot create dynamics between observers and classical test objects. The influence of a uniform gravitational field on matter waves and clocks, however, is described inconsistently throughout research and education. To illustrate, we discuss the behavior of a matter-wave interferometer and a clock redshift experiment in a uniform gravitational field. As a consistent formulation of the equivalence principle implies, a uniform gravitational field has no observable influence on these systems and is physically equivalent to the absence of gravity.
from gr-qc by Yang Liu, Antonio Padilla, Francisco G. PedroFri Apr 05 2024 13:05:01 (21 hours)# 4.
arXiv:2404.02961v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We examine the descent via membrane nucleation through a landscape of vacua where the cosmological constant is given by a combination of four-form fluxes. It has been shown that this descent can be slowed exponentially for very low curvature vacua close to Minkowski space in a wide class of models satisfying certain parametric conditions, providing a possible solution to the cosmological constant problem. We explore in detail whether or not those parametric conditions are compatible with the membrane weak gravity conjecture. Whilst it is true that there is often tension, we show that this is not always the case and present an explicit model where Minkowski space is absolutely stable and the weak gravity conjecture is satisfied. This corresponds to an extension of the Bousso-Polchinski model into a generalised DBI action for four-forms. We also clarify how the landscape should be populated in a consistent model.
from physics.hist-ph by Anne-Catherine de la Hamette, Viktoria Kabel, \v{C}aslav BruknerTue Apr 02 2024 15:06:52 (3 days)# 5.
arXiv:2404.00159v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We explore the notion of events at the intersection between quantum physics and gravity, inspired by recent research on superpositions of semiclassical spacetimes. By going through various experiments and thought experiments — from a decaying atom, to the double-slit experiment, to the quantum switch — we analyse which properties can and cannot be used to define events in such non-classical contexts. Our findings suggest an operational, context-dependent definition of events which emphasises that their properties can be accessed without destroying or altering observed phenomena. We discuss the implications of this understanding of events for indefinite causal order as well as the non-absoluteness of events in the Wigner’s friend thought experiment. These findings provide a first step for developing a notion of event in quantum spacetime.
from APS selected papers by Michael SchirberTue Apr 02 2024 06:00:00 (4 days)# 6.
Author(s): Michael Schirber
David Kaplan has developed a lattice model for particles that are left- or right-handed, offering a firmer foundation for the theory of weak interactions.
[Physics 17, 54] Published Tue Apr 02, 2024
from physics.hist-ph by Christian Hugo HoffmannMon Apr 01 2024 10:38:19 (4 days)# 7.
arXiv:2403.19658v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper addresses the central question of what a coherent concept of probability might look like that would do justice to both classical probability theory, axiomatized by Kolmogorov, and quantum theory. At a time when quanta are receiving increased and expanded attention — think, for example, of the advances in quantum computers or the promises associated with this new technology (National Academies of Sciences: Engineering, and Medicine, 2019) — an adequate interpretation of probability, which is no less important, should be given due attention, particularly with regard to quantum theory.
from physics.hist-ph by Navinder SinghMon Apr 01 2024 10:38:18 (4 days)# 8.
arXiv:2403.19682v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: As is well known, Paul Drude put forward the very first quantitative theory of electrical conduction in metals in 1900. He could successfully account for the Wiedemann-Franz law which states that the ratio of thermal to electrical conductivity divided by temperature is a constant called the Lorenz number. As it turns out, in Drude’s derivation, there is a lucky cancellation of two errors. Drude’s under-estimate (by an order of 100) of the value of square of the average electron velocity compensated his over-estimate of the electronic heat capacity (by the same order of 100). This compensation or cancellation of two errors lead to a value of the Lorenz number very close to its experimental value. This is well known. There is another error of a factor of two which Drude made when he calculated two different relaxation times for heat conductivity and electrical conductivity. In this article we highlight how and why this error occurred in Drude’s derivation and how it was removed 5 years later (that is in 1905) by Hendrik Lorentz when he used the Boltzmann equation and a single relaxation time. This article is of pedagogical value and may be useful to undergraduate/graduate students learning solid state physics.
from philsciMon Apr 01 2024 05:39:31 (5 days)# 9.
Fay, Jonathan (2023) On the Relativity of Magnitudes: Delboeuf’s forgotten contribution to the 19th Century problem of space. [Preprint]
from philsciMon Apr 01 2024 05:31:10 (5 days)# 10.
Lewis, Peter J. (2021) Explicating quantum indeterminacy. [Preprint]
from philsciMon Apr 01 2024 05:30:51 (5 days)# 11.
Lewis, Peter J. and Jhou, Nihel (2021) The Indeterminate Present. [Preprint]