Michael Devereux (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Wheeler supposed that the way in which a single photon is measured in the present could determine how it had behaved in the past. He named such retrocausation delayed choice. Over the last forty years many experimentalists have claimed to have observed single-photon delayed choice. Recently, however, researchers have proven that the quantum wavefunction of a single photon assumes the identical mathematical form of the solution to Maxwell’s equations for that photon. This efficacious understanding allows for a trenchant analysis of delayed-choice experiments and denies their retrocausation conclusions. It is now usual for physicists to employ Bohr’s wave-particle complementarity theory to distinguish wave from particle aspects in delayedchoice
observations. Nevertheless, single-photon, delayed-choice experiments, provide no evidence that the photon actually acts like a particle, or, instead, like a wave, as a function of a future measurement. And, a recent, careful, Stern-Gerlach analysis has shown that the supposition of concurrent wave and particle characteristics in the Bohm-DeBroglie theory is not tenable. Full text