Jiri Soucek replied to the topic Does the psi-epistemic view really solve the measurement problem? in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 7 months ago
Dear Matthew Leifer,
Thank you very much for your comments. These are very helpful for me. In general I agree with your remarks but some points are to be discussed.
In general, it is clear that QM must be an applied probability theory and it is clear that this probability theory cannot be the Kolmogorovian probability theory.
1. The first…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic The measurement problem revisited in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 8 months ago
Dear Shan,
I have a comment and a critical remark to your argumentation.
I shall consider the property (C1) in the more complete formulation:
(C1x) the wave function of a physical system is a complete description of the individual system.
You write “The first approach is to deny the claim (C1), and add some additional variables …”.
I think…[
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic Does the psi-epistemic view really solve the measurement problem? in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 8 months ago
Dear Matthew,
I have some comments
1) The very idea of the ontological models is based on the assumption that there exists only one probability theory – the standard Kolmogorov theory. But from 2008 there exist two probability theories – the Kolmogorov (linear) probability theory and the new quadratic probability theory published in…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic Does the psi-epistemic view really solve the measurement problem? in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 8 months ago
Dear Shan,
I am suprised that you consider the psi-epistemic view together with the idea that all observables have pre-existing values.
I understand the psi-ontic view as the standard assumption that each pure state represents the possible state of an individual system. For me the psi-epistemic view means that not all pure states represent the…[Read more] -
Jiri Soucek started the topic The absolute and relative truth in quantum theory: the superposition principle in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 8 months ago
Using concepts of the absolute and relative truth in quantum mechanics (QM) we obtain that the individual superposition principle is scientifically unfounded and, as a consequence, the solution to the basic quantum observer`s problem.
We shall define the concept of a truth in the situation where different theories may have the same empirical…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek changed their profile picture 8 years, 11 months ago
Jiri Soucek changed their profile picture 8 years, 11 months ago
Jiri Soucek commented on the post, Quantum Solipsism and Non-Locality 9 years, 1 month ago
Dear Travis,
I have written a letter, in which I have given the new local explanation of EPR correlations. I hope now this explantion is clear and indubitable.
It can be found at
http://vixra.org/pdf/1508.0147v1.pdfYour Jiri Soucek
Jiri Soucek commented on the post, Quantum Solipsism and Non-Locality 9 years, 1 month ago
Dear Travis,
You write “But it is an empirical fact (or, if you prefer, a prediction of QM) that the outcomes of measurements will be perfectly (anti-) correlated”.
This perfect correlation is between states of measuring systems A and B (these are outcomes of the measuremeents) but not between states of measured systems S and R.
In modified…[
Jiri Soucek commented on the post, Quantum Solipsism and Non-Locality 9 years, 1 month ago
Dear Trevis,
I have finally found the simpler formulation of this local explanation of EPR.
Let us consider systems S and R which are in the standard singlet state and the measuring systems A at the area of Alice and B at the area of Bob.The measuring system A has the basis |A+>, |A-> where these two states are individual states and let…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek commented on the post, Quantum Solipsism and Non-Locality 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Trevis,
I have reconsidered my last reply and I have found that my objection was only partly true – I am sorry. As a result I found that inside the standard QM (with the von Neumann axiom) your argumentation is OK (i.e. the pre-determination must exist), while in the context of the modified QM (with the anti-von Neumann axiom) your…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek commented on the post, Quantum Solipsism and Non-Locality 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Travis,
in Your paper You write at page 2 “The important thing was instead that the only way to explain the perfect correlations locally is to attribute outcome-determining properties to the individual particles”. This may be called simply as a pre-determination.
I think that this statement is not correct.
I have recently written a…[
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic Are there any pressing problems? in the forum Panel Discussion 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Ken,
I understand your question QM/GR. But there is also the simpler problem: how to make sense of QM and SR in the same consistent framework. Up to now, QM and Special Relativity cannot be considered in the same framework since QM is not local (at least this is the general opinion). At the moment there are not many proposals for the local…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them? in the forum Panel Discussion 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Robert,
I think You use the different concept of the probability theory than me. You say that in CH approach the time symmetric formulation of probability is used. OK, but in my concept of the probability theory this is impossible, since in my concept of the probability theory the evolution is strictly uni-directional. It is clear that we…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic Are there any pressing problems? in the forum Panel Discussion 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Dieter,
in my study I only tried to analyze the nonrealism option using the concrete model. The nonrealism possibility exists already 50 years, but it was not explored. Thus the question is old, only the proposed solution is new.
The realism is equivalent to the von Neumann axiom (the wave function represents the individual state) hence in…[Read more] -
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic Are there any pressing problems? in the forum Panel Discussion 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Dieter Zeh,
I think there is one old hypothesis which was not analyzed yet: the nonrealism option from the dichotomy nonlocality vs. nonrealism. The nonlocality option was analyzed in many studies in last 50 years but there are only few papers that analyze the nonrealism option in some concrete explicit models. I think that such…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic What's wrong with the wave function? in the forum Meaning of the wave function 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Matthew,
I would like to comment your effort to consider seriously the psi-epistemic position. I think that there are not only two options but three options – besides the psi-ontic and psi epistemic positions there exists also psi-hybrid position introduced in my paper on modified QM. This psi-hybrid position means that some wave functions…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them? in the forum Panel Discussion 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear professor Zeh,
I would like to comment Your reply #2212
You have written “I think that every individual proposal that does not explicitely postulate the superposition principle … should at least indicate how it would justify the well established general applicability … of this most important principle of quantum mechanics.” My comment.…[Read more]
Jiri Soucek replied to the topic What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them? in the forum Panel Discussion 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Robert,
thank You for Your comments.
But I cannot agree with Your position with repect to the probability theory. The Kolmogorov probability theory cannot be the model for QM since it does not offer any possibility for the reversible time evolution. The evolution in the standard probability theory is strictly uni-directional. This is…[Read more]
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