Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Quantum theory is incompatible with relativity: A proof beyond Bell's theorem in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 1 month ago
Dear Ruth, thanks a lot . Still I don’t think that you are completely right : your view is like the one of Heisenberg for the passage from the potential to the actual and when you wrote ” “Collapse” in RTI is actualization of a single invariant spacetime interval from a set of non-spatiotemporal set of possibilities, represented by wei…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Quantum theory is incompatible with relativity: A proof beyond Bell's theorem in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
Dear Ruth, thank you for answering. I agree that an approach like the one of Sutherland requires two boundaries (one in the past and the other in the future) and that the foliation needed is arbitrary. However, the choice could have a cosmological meaning breaking the symmetry. Anyway, I think that this is the same for all…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Lorentz-invariant, retrocausal, and deterministic hidden variables in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
the link for this work is https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08134
Aurelien Drezet started the topic Lorentz-invariant, retrocausal, and deterministic hidden variables in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
We review several no-go theorems attributed to Gisin and Hardy, Conway and Kochen purporting the impossibility of Lorentz-invariant deterministic hidden-variable model for explaining quantum nonlocality. Those theorems claim that the only known solution to escape the conclusions is either to accept a preferred reference frame or to abandon the…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Quantum theory is incompatible with relativity: A proof beyond Bell's theorem in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
Dear Ruth, I would like to add a comment concerning the role of preferred frames in a quantum ontology and in connection with retrocausality. It is indeed possible to develope Bohmian like model without preferred frames. There is one recent approach by Sutherland but I also recently proposed a different one…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic About Wigner Friend’s and Hardy’s paradox in a Bohmian approach in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
I forgot the link to the paper: https://www.ijqf.org/archives/5401
I use this occasion to add a link to a related paper I recently submitted
(arxiv : https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08134) with the title
‘Lorentz-invariant, retrocausal, and deterministic hidden variables’.
This work focuses on Gisin’s and Hardys’ claim purporting the impossibility…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet started the topic About Wigner Friend’s and Hardy’s paradox in a Bohmian approach in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
This [1] is an analysis of the recently published article ‘Quantum
theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself’ by D. Frauchiger and
R. Renner [1]. Here I decipher the paradox and analyze it from the point of
view of de Broglie-Bohm hidden variable theory (i.e., Bohmian mechanics).
I also analyze the problem from the perspective obt…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Response to Frauchiger and Renner in the forum Workshop on Wigner’s Friend 2018 5 years, 11 months ago
Dear Friends, I discovered the work by Frauchiger and Renner yesterday.
I didn’t read the literature on the topics but I wrote a kind of comment which I put on arxiv one hour ago. Being a Bohmian my view is that actually this is just a rephrasing of Hardy’s paradox involving nonlocality between agents. The problem is not more…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet posted an update in the group 2018 Workshop on Wigner’s Friend 5 years, 11 months ago
Dear Friends, I discovered the work by Frauchiger and Renner yesterday.
I didn’t read the literature on the topics but I wrote a kind of comment which I put on arxiv one hour ago. Being a Bohmian my view is that actually this is just a rephrasing of Hardy’s paradox involving nonlocality between agents. The problem is not more…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet joined the group 2018 Workshop on Wigner’s Friend 5 years, 11 months ago
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Can Bohm's theory really solve the measurement problem? in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 9 months ago
Dear Shan dear all, I gave a kind of reply to Shan’s work concerning psycho physical parallelism in the topic ‘The End of the Many-Worlds? (or Could we save Everett’s interpretation)’
with best regards Aurélien
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic The End of the Many-Worlds? (or Could we save Everett’s interpretation) in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 9 months ago
Dear Lev, don’t worry: my aim was only to recognize the influence that your view on MWI has on mine (your work on bohm with the ‘surrealistic’ bullet and the cat was very great as well). I will add a sentence that you dont share my view.
with best regards Aurélien -
Aurelien Drezet started the topic The End of the Many-Worlds? (or Could we save Everett’s interpretation) in the forum 2016 International Workshop on Quantum Observers 8 years, 9 months ago
The aim of this discussion is to compare de Broglie’s (pilot wave interpretation :PWI) and Everett’s interpretation (Many Worlds interpretation: MWI) in order to see how both attempt to solve some of the key issues of quantum mechanics.
More specifically, I consider the problem of the ontology, the problem of the meaning of probability, and…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Retrocausal Bohm Model in the forum Retrocausal theories 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Nathan, I think that the model of Rod is very similar to the one proposed by Miller with negative probabilities in his Phys lett A 222 31-36 (1996) [butwith the real part in addition to get only real probability and not complex like in Miller’s work]. Of course Miller didn’t use hidden variables but the theory of Rod is really the…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Why Bohmian theory? in the forum Bohm's theory 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Bob, I Think we should may be continue this discussion by email since the page of the forum is sometimes blocked for unknown reasons.
First, concerning the ontology: BM uses also the Hilbert space for defining the guiding waves otherwise the theory will not work. The ontology is double : particles and waves. Both are necessary and are…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Why Bohmian theory? in the forum Bohm's theory 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Bob,
Thank you for the different answers. My point concerning the precision of the path concerns the ontology used in the CH model. If your aim is to define counterfactuals associated with paths not observed but supposed to exist then it seems that your CH model is less precise than BM since you don’t have determinism, i.e no precise…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Why Bohmian theory? in the forum Bohm's theory 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Bob, I found your paper ‘Bohmiann mechanics and consistent histories’ fascinating. Before reading this paper I always missed the point(s) concerning your interpretation (even though I apparently downloaded your preprint 10 years ago…). Now it seems that things a getting more clear for me.
If I follow the reasoning of your paper CH…[Read more] -
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Why Bohmian theory? in the forum Bohm's theory 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Robert Griffiths,
I am sorry I could not find the time to answer to your late remarks during the forum ( the temperature in Grenoble France was then reaching 40 ° Celsius and it was difficult for me to focus on science).
I would be very pleased however to try something in order ‘ to take up the cudgels” as you propose.
For me…[
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic The Merits of the de Broglie-Bohm Theory in the forum Bohm's theory 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Jean, I like what you wrote. For me BM is indeed a rational theory. But we can reverse the problem. Are we sure that the so called orthodox interpretation is a rational theory? I have strong reasons to doubt about that since for Bohr everything should be necessarily described in term of macroscopic languages while at the same time…[Read more]
Aurelien Drezet replied to the topic Retrocausality is intrinsic to quantum mechanics in the forum Retrocausal theories 9 years, 2 months ago
Dear Daniel, Thank you for your answer. The reason why I Invoke ontology is because as you just replied now ”I don’t prove that quantum mechanics is intrinsically retrocausal”. But if we dont prove and if you only suggest then you are going beyond facts? or not? Actually, my problem is the following David Hume already showed that causality can n…[Read more]
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