from philsciWed Jan 10 2024 14:24:00 (3 hours)# 1.
Le Bihan, Baptiste (2024) The Great Loop: From Conformal Cyclic Cosmology to Aeon Monism. [Preprint]
from philsciWed Jan 10 2024 04:13:54 (13 hours)# 2.
Henne, Céline and Tomczyk, Hannah and Sperber, Christopher (2024) Physicists’ Views on Scientific Realism. [Preprint]
from philsciTue Jan 09 2024 18:31:37 (23 hours)# 3.
Otsuka, Jun (2021) Why does statistics matter to philosophy? Tetsugaku-Kenkyu (The Journal of Philosophical Studies), 606. pp. 1-24. ISSN 0386-9563
from physics.hist-ph by P.I. Zarubin, A.A. ZaitsevTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:21 (1 day)# 4.
Research of cosmic rays at the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences resulted in the construction of the JINR Synchrophasotron. For this purpose the Electrophysical Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded in 1953, which became part of JINR in 1956 as the High Energy Laboratory. The initial milestones to develop experiments at the Laboratory on the Synchrophasotron are presented. Leaders and key participants in the experiments are highlighted, as well as the lessons and results relevant today.
from physics.hist-ph by José-María Martín-OlallaTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:20 (1 day)# 5.
Nernst heat theorem is probed from purely thermodynamic arguments connected with the second law of thermodynamics, and alien to the vanishing of the specific heats, or to the unattainability of the zeroth isotherm.
from physics.hist-ph by Adam BrownsteinTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:19 (1 day)# 6.
We introduce a transformation of the quantum phase $S’=S+\frac{\hbar}{2}\log\rho$, which converts the deterministic equations of quantum mechanics into the Lagrangian reference frame of stochastic particles. We show that the quantum potential can be removed from the transformed quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equations if they are solved as stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. The system of equations provide a local description of quantum mechanics, which is enabled by the inherently retrocausal nature of stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. We also investigate the stochastic transformation of the classical system, where is it shown that quantum mechanics with the quantum potential reduced by a factor of $\frac{1}{2}$ has a classical representation, which may have interesting implications. Finally, we discuss the notion of a subsystem correspondence principle, which constrains the ontology of the total quantum system.
from physics.hist-ph by Adam BrownsteinTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:18 (1 day)# 7.
The issue of non-locality in quantum mechanics can potentially be resolved by considering relativistically covariant diffusion in four-dimensional spacetime. Stochastic particles described by the Klein-Gordon equation are shown to undergo a classical diffusion process in spacetime coordinates, which is seen by transforming the quantum Cauchy-momentum equations to a Lagrangian frame of reference. Since the quantum potential term is removed under this transformation, the equations for momentum propagation along particle trajectories assume a classical form. A local stochastic de Broglie-Bohm interpretation for the Klein-Gordon system can subsequently be derived. We also introduce the concept of momentum equivariance to replace the second-order Bohm-Newton equations of motion, which break down due to non-linear terms of the stochastic Lagrangian derivative.
from quant-ph by Yasuko KawahataTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:15 (1 day)# 8.
This paper presents an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the emergence and impact of filter bubbles in social phenomena, especially in both digital and offline environments, by applying the concepts of quantum field theory. Filter bubbles tend to occur in digital and offline environments, targeting digital natives with extremely low media literacy and information immunity. In addition, in the aftermath of stealth marketing, fake news, “inspirational marketing,” and other forms of stealth marketing that never exist are rampant and can lead to major social disruption and exploitation. These are the causes of various social risks, including declining information literacy and knowledge levels and academic achievement. By exploring quantum mechanical principles such as remote interaction, proximity interaction, Feynman diagrams, and loop diagrams, we aim to gain a better understanding of information dissemination and opinion formation in social contexts. Our model incorporates key parameters such as agents’ opinions, interaction probabilities, and flexibility in changing opinions, facilitating the observation of opinion distributions, cluster formation, and polarization under a variety of conditions. The purpose of this paper is to mathematically model the filter bubble phenomenon using the concepts of quantum field theory and to analyze its social consequences. This is a discussion paper and the proposed approach offers an innovative perspective for understanding social phenomena, but its interpretation and application require careful consideration.
from quant-ph by Jorge KurchanTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:11 (1 day)# 9.
Glassy dynamics have time-reparametrization `softness’: glasses fluctuate, and respond to external perturbations, primarily by changing the pace of their evolution. Remarkably, the same situation also appears in toy models of quantum field theory such as the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, where the excitations associated to reparametrizations play the role of an emerging `gravity’. I describe here how these two seemingly unrelated systems share common features, arising from a technically very similar origin. This connection is particularly close between glassy dynamics and supersymmetric variants of the SYK model, which I discuss in some detail. Apart from the curiosity that this correspondence naturally arouses, there is also the hope that developments in each field may be useful for the other.
from quant-ph by Fillipe M. Guedes, Marcelo S. Guimaraes, Itzhak Roditi, Silvio P. SorellaTue Jan 09 2024 14:40:06 (1 day)# 10.
The interaction between Unruh-De Witt spin $1/2$ detectors and a real scalar field is scrutinized by making use of the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory as applied to the Von Neumann algebra of the Weyl operators. The use of the modular theory enables to evaluate in an exact way the trace over the quantum field degrees of freedom. The resulting density matrix is employed to the study of the Bell-CHSH correlator. It turns out that, as a consequence of the interaction with the quantum field, the violation of the Bell-CHSH inequality exhibits a decreasing as compared to the case in which the scalar field is absent.
from philsciTue Jan 09 2024 01:33:34 (1 day)# 11.
Lorenzetti, Lorenzo (2024) Two Forms of Functional Reductionism in Physics. [Preprint]
from philsciMon Jan 08 2024 13:11:44 (2 days)# 12.
Nguyen, James and Frigg, Roman (2022) Scientific Representation. ISSN 9781009003575
from philsciMon Jan 08 2024 13:11:15 (2 days)# 13.
Frigg, Roman and Werndl, Charlotte (2022) Equilibrium in Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics. Eleanor Knox and Alastair Wilson (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. pp. 403-413. ISSN 9780367769611
from philsciMon Jan 08 2024 13:10:22 (2 days)# 14.
Wolf, William J. and Sanchioni, Marco and Read, James (2023) Underdetermination in Classic and Modern Tests of General Relativity. [Preprint]
from philsciMon Jan 08 2024 13:10:03 (2 days)# 15.
March, Eleanor and Wolf, William J. and Read, James (2024) On the geometric trinity of gravity, non-relativistic limits, and Maxwell gravitation. [Preprint]
from philsciSat Jan 06 2024 05:14:42 (4 days)# 16.
March, Eleanor (2023) Non-relativistic twistor theory: Newtonian limits and gravitational collapse. [Preprint]
from philsciSat Jan 06 2024 05:14:28 (4 days)# 17.
March, Eleanor (2023) Is the Deutsch-Wallace theorem redundant? [Preprint]
from philsciSat Jan 06 2024 05:14:14 (4 days)# 18.
March, Eleanor (2023) Are Maxwell gravitation and Newton-Cartan theory theoretically equivalent? [Preprint]
from physics.hist-ph by William J. Wolf, Patrick M. DuerrFri Jan 05 2024 10:19:12 (5 days)# 19.
The paper investigates the historical and contemporary pursuit-worthiness of cosmic inflation-the rationale for working on it (rather than necessarily the evidential support for claims to its approximate truth): what reasons existed, and exist, that warrant inflation’s status as the mainstream paradigm studied, explored, and further developed by the majority of the cosmology community? We’ll show that inflation exemplifies various salient theory virtues: explanatory depth, unifying/integrative power, fertility and positive heuristics, the promotion of understanding, and the prospect (and passing) of novel benchmark tests. This, we’ll argue, constitutes inflation’s auspicious promise. It marks inflation as preferable over both the inflation-less Hot Big Bang Model, as well as rivals to inflation: inflation, we maintain, rightly deserved, and continues to deserve, the concerted research efforts it has enjoyed.
from philsciFri Jan 05 2024 03:12:52 (5 days)# 20.
Wolf, William J. (2023) Cosmological Inflation and Meta-Empirical Theory Assessment. [Preprint]
from physics.hist-ph by Oded Shor, Felix Benninger, Andrei KhrennikovThu Jan 04 2024 17:32:21 (6 days)# 21.
Diversity of interpretations of quantum mechanics is often considered as a sign of foundational crisis. In this note we proceed towards unification the relational quantum mechanics of Rovelli, Bohmian mechanics, and many worlds interpretation on the basis so called Dendrogramic Holographic Theory (DHT). DHT is based on the representation of observed events by dendrograms (finite trees) presenting observers subjective image of universe. Dendrograms encode the relational hierarchy between events, in applications they are generated by clustering algorithms; an algorithm with the branching index p >1 generate p-adic trees. The infinite p-adic tree represents the ontic event universe. We consider an ensemble of observers performing observations on each other and representing them by p-adic trees. In such observers universe we introduce a kind of Minkowski space structure, which is statistical by its nature. This model unites the observer/system discrepancy. Measurements are performed by observers on observers. Such observers universe is dynamically changing and is background independent since the space itself is emergent. And within this model, we unify the aforementioned interpretations.
from physics.hist-ph by Ovidiu Cristinel StoicaThu Jan 04 2024 17:32:20 (6 days)# 22.
It was proposed that the tensor product structure of the Hilbert space is uniquely determined by the Hamiltonian’s spectrum, for most finite-dimensional cases satisfying certain conditions.
I show that, for more than three qudits, any such method can only lead to infinitely many tensor product structures. The number of additional continuous parameters needed to find a unique solution is exponential in the number of qudits. In addition, even if the result were unique, such a Hamiltonian would not entangle subsystems.
These results affect some proposals to recover the 3d space from the Hamiltonian.
from physics.hist-ph by Dong LuoWed Jan 03 2024 18:11:38 (6 days)# 23.
Taking Heisenberg’s and Schrodinger’s theories of quantum mechanics as his case study, De Regt’s contextual theory of understanding argues that recognizing qualitatively characteristic consequences of a theory T without performing exact calculations is a criterion for scientific understanding. From the perspective of this theory of understanding, the task of understanding quantum mechanics seems to have been achieved already or even finished. This appears to disagree with some physicists’ attitude to the understanding of quantum mechanics in line with Richard Feynman’s famous slogan “I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics.” Moreover, if the task of understanding quantum mechanics has been finished already, there would be a conflict between the contextual theory of understanding of quantum mechanics and interpretations of quantum mechanics.
from physics.hist-ph by Kent A. PeacockTue Jan 02 2024 18:37:25 (1 week)# 24.
The assumption that the system Hamiltonian for entangled states is additive is widely used in orthodox quantum no-signalling arguments. It is shown that additivity implies a contradiction with the assumption that the system being studied is entangled.
from PRA – fundamentalconcepts by Nayere Saberian, Seyed Javad Akhtarshenas, and Fereshte ShahbeigiTue Jan 02 2024 05:00:00 (1 week)# 25.
Author(s): Nayere Saberian, Seyed Javad Akhtarshenas, and Fereshte Shahbeigi
Obtaining information from a quantum system through a measurement typically disturbs its state. The postmeasurement states for a given measurement, however, are not unique and highly rely on the chosen measurement model, complicating the puzzle of information disturbance. Two distinct questions are …
[Phys. Rev. A 109, 012201] Published Tue Jan 02, 2024