Thomas Galley
Mon Dec 04 2023 18:00:00 (19 hours)
# 1.
Author(s): Thomas Galley
A proposed model unites quantum theory with classical gravity by assuming that states evolve in a probabilistic way, like a game of chance.
[Physics 16, 203] Published Mon Dec 04, 2023
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Federico Balducci, Mathieu Beau, Jing Yang, Andrea Gambassi, and Adolfo del Campo
Mon Dec 04 2023 18:00:00 (19 hours)
# 2.
Author(s): Federico Balducci, Mathieu Beau, Jing Yang, Andrea Gambassi, and Adolfo del Campo
The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) predicts that the average number of topological defects generated upon crossing a continuous or quantum phase transition obeys a universal scaling law with the quench time. Fluctuations in the defect number near equilibrium are approximately of Gaussian form, in agre…
[Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 230401] Published Mon Dec 04, 2023
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Yichul Choi, Brandon C. Rayhaun, Yaman Sanghavi, and Shu-Heng Shao
Mon Dec 04 2023 18:00:00 (19 hours)
# 3.
Author(s): Yichul Choi, Brandon C. Rayhaun, Yaman Sanghavi, and Shu-Heng Shao
The authors provide a comprehensive study of the role of boundary conditions in the presence of generalized non-invertible symmetries, beginning with the question of when boundary conditions are symmetric under those symmetries. They find different categories of symmetric boundary conditions (which would be identical under normal symmetries) and discuss their relation to ’t Hooft anomalies, gauging, and RG flows.
[Phys. Rev. D 108, 125005] Published Mon Dec 04, 2023
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Sun Dec 03 2023 15:05:10 (1 day)
# 4.
Eyre, John (2023) Resolution of the Miller-Popper paradox. [Preprint]
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Sun Dec 03 2023 14:56:22 (1 day)
# 5.
Hetzroni, Guy and Read, James (2023) How to Teach General Relativity. [Preprint]
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Sun Dec 03 2023 14:53:25 (1 day)
# 6.
Toussaint, Pablo (2023) Are All Events Created At-Once in Relational Quantum Mechanics? [Preprint]
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Sat Dec 02 2023 16:35:25 (2 days)
# 7.
Arroyo, Raoni Wohnrath and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. (2023) The Powers of Quantum Mechanics: A Metametaphysical Discussion of the “Logos Approach”. [Preprint]
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Sat Dec 02 2023 16:27:44 (2 days)
# 8.
Pipa, Francisco (2023) Beyond the Wigner’s friend dilemma: A new indeterminacy-based quantum theory. [Preprint]
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David Broadhurst
Fri Dec 01 2023 12:39:11 (4 days)
# 9.
This article is a summary of a talk about Richard Feynman, given at a conference Polymaths across the Eras organized in November 2023 by the St Cross Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics (HAPP) in Oxford. It describes Feynman as an unconventional polymath, primarily concerned with his own understanding of nature, having little regard for previous authorities. His curiosity, respect for experiment, ability to calculate and notable ingenuity led to important developments in quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and strong interactions. In particle physics, Feynman diagrams have been a mainstay of calculation for the last 75 years. His relish for the spoken word led to renown as an educator and raconteur. His perceptions were influential in a wide range of other scientific fields, including weak interactions, gravity, superconductivity, biology, nanotechnology, algorithmic computation and quantum computers. In all of this, he held to the idea that nature has an intrinsic simplicity and beauty that permit us to find things out, if only we will try hard enough.
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Beatriz Elizaga Navascués
Fri Dec 01 2023 12:39:07 (4 days)
# 10.
The dynamics of the expectation value of the volume is one of the key ingredients behind the replacement of the Big Bang singularity by a bounce in Loop Quantum Cosmology. As such, it is of great importance that this quantity is mathematically well-defined in the space of physical states of the theory. A number of caveats have been raised about such a definition entering in conflict with the quantum evolution of states, motivated by the situation found in quantum geometrodynamics. We show that there are ways around these caveats, all of which are related to the existence of quantization prescriptions leading to a nondegenerate curvature operator in Loop Quantum Cosmology. Furthermore, we explicitly check that there exist families of physical states for which the expectation value of the volume is actually finite under evolution. These include the Gaussian states traditionally used in investigations of the quantum bounce. Interestingly, the properties of the curvature operator that allow for such a good behavior of the volume are only possible thanks to the discreteness of the geometry characteristic of the loop quantization procedure.
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Thu Nov 30 2023 14:19:52 (4 days)
# 11.
Cuffaro, Michael E. (2023) The Measurement Problem Is a Feature, Not a Bug–Schematising the Observer and the Concept of an Open System on an Informational, or (Neo-)Bohrian, Approach. [Preprint]
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Thu Nov 30 2023 14:19:24 (4 days)
# 12.
Koberinski, Adam (2023) What good is Haag’s no-go theorem? What axiomatic methods can teach us about particle physics. In: UNSPECIFIED.
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Ravo Tokiniaina Ranaivoson, Voriraza Séraphin Hejesoa, Raoelina Andriambololona, Nirina Gilbert Rasolofoson, Hanitriarivo Rakotoson, Jacqueline Rabesahala Raoelina Andriambololona, Lala Rarivomanantsoa, Naivo Rabesiranana
Thu Nov 30 2023 13:55:58 (4 days)
# 13.
Wave-particle duality is often considered as the modern answer to the problem of the nature of light after more than 2000 years of questioning. It is also the answer given by quantum physics concerning the nature of matter particles and any other radiations. The main objective of this work is to analyze the relations that are existing between this concept of wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle and the concepts of phase space and microstates considered in statistical mechanics. It is mainly highlighted that while the concepts of phase space and microstates were already introduced in classical physics before the discovery of the wave-particle duality, a correct understanding of them cannot be achieved without the use of the concept of quantum phase space and phase space representation of quantum mechanics which are directly related to the uncertainty principle. The possibility of using these concepts of quantum phase space and phase space representations of quantum mechanics to help in a deeper description of the wave-particle duality and in the study of some current issues related to foundational problems of quantum mechanics like quantum decoherence and the measurement problem is also discussed.
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Tue Nov 28 2023 15:54:55 (6 days)
# 14.
Fraser, James D. and Rejzner, Kasia (2023) Perturbative Expansions and the Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. [Preprint]
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Sun Nov 26 2023 05:18:27 (1 week)
# 15.
Bochman, Alexander (2023) Causal reasoning from almost first principles. [Preprint]
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Sat Nov 25 2023 16:07:28 (1 week)
# 16.
Mason, Lucy (2023) Quantum Darwinism: Redundant Records of Emergence. [Preprint]
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Fri Nov 24 2023 15:19:26 (1 week)
# 17.
Hartmann, Stephan and Trpin, Borut (2023) Why Coherence Matters. [Preprint]
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Fri Nov 24 2023 15:17:46 (1 week)
# 18.
Luc, Joanna (2023) The Hole Argument without the notion of isomorphism. [Preprint]
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Charles Day
Tue Nov 21 2023 18:00:00 (1 week)
# 19.
Author(s): Charles Day
According to a new extension to an old theory, a particle’s position cannot be measured precisely even if its momentum is not measured simultaneously.
[Physics 16, s150] Published Tue Nov 21, 2023