During recent years, there is increasing interest in the ontological status and meaning of the wave function, and it seems that there is even a shift in research focus from the measurement problem to the problem of interpreting the wave function. This motivates us to organize an online workshop on the meaning of the wave function. The workshop aims to highlight the existing debates and address the controversies surrounding the different viewpoints (Bayesian, epistemic, nomological, ontic, etc).
Workshop Date: Saturday, October 25, 2014 to Friday, October 31, 2014
Organizers: Shan Gao, Maximilian Schlosshauer
There are three presentation and discussion methods for this online workshop:
* Using only the forum provided by this website. A participant uploads his presentation to the forum as a topic beforehand. Presentation and discussions proceed under this topic by writing posts. In this case, the presentation time is 15 mins, and the discussion time is 45 mins.
* Using Skype to carry on a voice conference call (with up to 26 people). A participant gives the normal talk, during which other participants view his presentation on their computers. Then discussions proceed as in an usual conference, though participants cannot see each other. The presentation time is 45 mins, and the discussion time is 45 mins.
* Using Google+ Hangout to carry on a video conference call. Although there is a limit of ten active participants, an unlimited number of people can view the live stream here and ask questions on the hangout thread. The presentation time is 45 mins, and the discussion time is 45 mins.
Participants can select to use either method to give their presentations. In both cases, they need to upload their presentations or papers in PDF format to this forum as a topic beforehand, and discussions may always proceed under this topic by writing posts. Participants need not to be online every day during the workshop; they may only participate in the discussions of the topics they are interested in besides giving their presentations.
If you would like to participate in the workshop, please join us here (you need to log in first). The list of participants and the schedule of this workshop are here. Selected presentations will be published in a special issue of International Journal of Quantum Foundations.