International Conference on Quanta and Mind

The International Conference on Quanta and Mind (ICQM2018) will be held at the Events Room at the J. Paul Leonard Library (LIB 121), San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, California, from April 10th to 11th, 2018. 

The goal of this conference is provide an interdisciplinary forum for renowned scholars from different areas of knowledge, particularly physics and philosophy, to discuss quanta and mind. The conference will focus on the possible connections between quantum mechanics and consciousness, such as how consciousness can help us with quantum mechanics, or how quantum mechanics can contribute to our understanding of consciousness.
Invited speakers: 

  • Valia Allori (Philosophy, Northern Illinois University)
  • Harald Atmanspacher (Collegium Helveticum, ETH Zurich)
  • Petr Bob (Psychology, Charles University)
  • Otávio Bueno (Philosophy, University of Miami)
  • Leonardo Paulo Guimarães De Assis* (Suppes Brain Lab, Stanford University)
  • Acacio de Barros (School of Humanities & Liberal Studies, San Francisco State University)
  • Ehtibar Dzhafarov* (Psychology, Purdue University)
  • Benj Hellie (Philosophy, University of Toronto)
  • Menas Kafatos (Physics, Chapman University)
  • Stanley Klein (Visual Science, UC Berkeley)
  • Pawel Kurzinsky* (Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University)
  • Carlos Montemayor (Philosophy, San Francisco State University)
  • Catarina Moreira* (Finances, University of Leicester, and Engineering, University of Lisbon)
  • John Perry* (Philosophy, Stanford University)
  • Paavo Pylkkanen* (Philosophy, University of Skovde)
  • Arkady Plotnitsky (English, Purdue University)
  • Paul Skokowski (Symbolic Systems and Center for Explanation of Consciousness, Stanford University)
  • Henry Stapp (Lawrence Berkeley Labs)
  • Guiseppe Vitiello (Physics, Università di Salerno)

* – to be confirmed.

Abstract submission:
In addition to the invited speakers, some contributed talk slots will be made available to presentations selected on a competitive basis under a peer-review process. Interested participants should submit an extended abstract (1–2 pages long) to EasyChair by clicking on the following link: The deadline for submission is January 15th, 2018. Participants who present in this conference will be invited to submit a full paper (to be editor reviewed) to a special issue to be organized by the chairs of the conference. Details to be announced soon.
The International Conference on Quantum Mechanics and the Mind is co-sponsored by the School of Humanities and Liberal Studies and the Department of Philosophy, San Francisco State University, as well as the Center for the Explanation of Consciousness, Stanford University.
Please visit the conference website for more information.

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One Response

  1. jacksarfatti
    jacksarfatti at |

    The “hard problem” of the emergence of qualia in matter becomes the “easy problem” when formulated using the new locally-retrocausal fully-relativistic weak-measurement Lagrangian reformulation of Bohm’s non-relativistic 1952 pilot wave theory for strong measurements by Roderick Sutherland. The key Popper-falsifiable anzatz is that the advanced “destiny” and retarded “history” Aharonov quantum information fields are intrinsic mental “thought fields,” not merely “thought-like” the metaphorical term coined by Henry Stapp. The new action-reaction term in Sutherland’s Lagrangian is the qualia-generating term in this new non-statistical post-quantum theory for pumped macro-quantum Frohlich-coherent open systems far-off thermodynamic equilibrium that contains orthodox Born rule quantum theory as a limiting case for closed systems of incoherent “dead matter” in thermodynamic equilibrium. This new way of looking at the hard problem is Popper-falsifiable using nano-electronic machines that should have the same kind of consciousness as humans have. There are clearly disruptive technological applications of the new theory’s predictions.

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