editor started the topic Quantum theory is incompatible with relativity: A proof beyond Bell's theorem in the forum 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell's theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
It has been debated whether quantum mechanics and special relativity are incompatible and whether there is a preferred Lorentz frame if they are incompatible. Bell’s theorem is an important cornerstone, but it does not give us a definite positive answer due to the existence of supplementary assumptions or…[Read more]
editor created the group 2019 International Workshop: Beyond Bell’s theorem 5 years, 2 months ago
Ruth Kastner replied to the topic The Relativistic Transactional Interpretation is a Collapse Theory in the forum 2017 International Workshop: Collapse of the Wave Function 6 years, 9 months ago
Just an update that this paper has been accepted in this journal.
Ruth Kastner started the topic The Relativistic Transactional Interpretation is a Collapse Theory in the forum 2017 International Workshop: Collapse of the Wave Function 7 years ago
Reasons to consider the Relativistic Transactional Interpretation, which allows for collapse without changing the basic quantum theory (and remedies shortcomings in the original TI):
On the Status of the Measurement Problem: Recalling the Relativistic Transactional Interpretation
Wayne C. Myrvold started the topic Ontology for Collapse Theories in the forum 2017 International Workshop: Collapse of the Wave Function 7 years, 2 months ago
In this chapter, I will discuss what it takes for a dynamical collapse theory to provide a reasonable description of the actual world. I will start with discussions of what is required, in general, of the ontology of a physical theory, and then apply it to the quantum case. One issue of interest is whether a collapse theory can be a quantum state…[Read more]
Ilja Schmelzer replied to the topic Three arguments for the reality of wave-function collapse in the forum 2017 International Workshop: Collapse of the Wave Function 7 years, 2 months ago
Dear Shan,
I would object to your claim (paper) about a problem of dBB with the Born rule. The point is that it is not the relative positions of the Bohm particles which matters, but their absolute positions.
Of course, what humans perceive as a measurement result would have to be, in principle, relative. But simply including the positions…[Read more]
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