Workshop Date: Saturday, 7 July, 2015 to Saturday, 21 July, 2015
Advisory Board
Lajos Diósi, Arthur Fine, Gordon N. Fleming, Olival Freire Jr., Sheldon Goldstein, Robert B. Griffiths, Hans Halvorson, Richard A. Healey, Basil J. Hiley, Don Howard, Roger Penrose, Carlo Rovelli, Maximilian Schlosshauer, and H. Dieter Zeh.
This workshop will bring together leading experts in the field, and address the most pressing problems in the foundations of quantum mechanics today.
Based on the successful previous Quantum Foundations Workshop 2015, this workshop will be more self-organized. Every participant may create a topic in the workshop forum on his own, which attaches his paper and gives a concise introduction to his ideas to be discussed, and which also states the date and time of his two-hour discussion. Then other participants can leave comments beforehand or participate in the discussions by text chat in the forum in the two-hour duration at the time.
If you would like to participate in the workshop, please log in. The list of participants and the schedule of this workshop will be announced soon. Selected presentations in this workshop will be published in a forthcoming issue of International Journal of Quantum Foundations.
editor created the group 2015 International Workshop on Quantum Foundations 9 years, 6 months ago