Reply To: What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them?

Home Forums 2015 International Workshop on Quantum Foundations Panel Discussion What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them? Reply To: What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them?

Jiri Soucek

Dear Robert,

thank You for Your comments.

But I cannot agree with Your position with repect to the probability theory. The Kolmogorov probability theory cannot be the model for QM since it does not offer any possibility for the reversible time evolution. The evolution in the standard probability theory is strictly uni-directional. This is exactly the advantage of the extended probability theory that it offers the comfortable way how to describe the time reversible evolution. I am sure that the possibility to represent QM as a probabilistic theory needs the use of the extended probability theory.
To the concept of the observation. It is the fact that axioms for the concept of the observation in the modified QM are quite different from the axioms for the concept of the measurement in the standerd QM. In the modified QM the measurement proces is the standard internal QM proces of the special type. But the external observation proces in the modified QM is something completely different from the external measurement proces in the standard QM. In each theory the external proces of the obseervation must be defined (at least implicitely) – without this no physical information can be obtained. The external proces of the observation (perhaps hidden) must be assumed. In fact, the concept of the observation makes possible to cut the von Neumann chain. The second basic difference consists in the fact that the measurement is related to the ensemble while the observation is related to the indvidual system.

Your Jiri Soucek

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