Reply To: What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them?

Home Forums 2015 International Workshop on Quantum Foundations Panel Discussion What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them? Reply To: What are the most pressing problems? and how to solve them?

Robert Griffiths

Dear Jiri,

In reply to your #2698 and #2705:

The most accessible work I have published on EPR-Bohm is in “EPR, Bell, and Quantum Locality”, Am. J. Phys. 79 (2011) 954. arXiv:1007.4281. An additional and more technical treatment of nonlocality is in “Quantum Locality,” Found. Phys. 41 (2011) 705; arXiv:0908.2914. In these papers, as in Chs. 23 and 24 of my book CONSISTENT QUANTUM THEORY I expose Bell’s error, which has led many to the incorrect conclusion that quantum theory is nonlocal in the sense of mysterious superluminan influences. I showed many years ago how quantum mechanics interpreted using consisent histories is consistent with special relativity; see “Consistent resolution of some relativistic quantum paradoxes”, Phys. Rev. A 66 (2002) 062101. arXiv:quant-ph/0207015

In reply to your #2704

If one accepts that science should be based on observations and experiments and measurements, then of course any fundamental physical theory should allow for them, but they need not be part of the foundations, part of the axioms. Many people including me find standard quantum mechanics with ‘measurement’ used as a primitive notion, an axiom, unsatisfactory: measurements actually carried out in the laboratory should be describable using quantum concepts which make no reference to them. This is done in Chs. 17 and 18 of my book. Observations of the sort made by astronomers can be treated in a similar way. I do not think it helpful to replace ‘measurement’ by ‘observation’ as a fundamental concept: one is simply renaming the difficulty.

In reply to your #2707 (extended probability theory)

The consistent histories approach employs Kolmogorov probabilities and, so far as we know at present, resolves all quantum paradoxes. Before proposing alternatives I think you should take a look at what has already been successfully done using ordinary probability theory.

Bob Griffiths

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