Reply To: Quantum Oblivion and Hesitation

Ken Wharton

Hi Eliahu and Avshalom,

Thanks for linking to the interesting papers! I need to process this Oblivion stuff a bit more before I respond directly to that aspect. But I do have a question concerning something you wrote in section 5.3 of the “Voices” paper:

“If, in contrast, one allows causal relations to somehow go back and forth between the past event and its successors, much of the mystery dissolves. What appears to be nonlocal in space, becomes perfectly local in spacetime.”

I was quite happy to read this – that last sentence, which you emphasized in the text, seems to me to be right on the mark.

But I don’t understand how this view meshes with the Two State Vector formalism. In that formalism, for entanglement experiments, both the pre-selected *and* the post-selected wavefunctions live in configuration space. They are *not* spacetime-local in the sense you describe here.

I guess I’ll leave my question there. You highlighted these two seemingly opposing ideas: the TSV formalism and the importance of spacetime-locality. How do you see these ideas fitting together in the multi-particle sector, perhaps down the road in some future theory?



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