Sat Sep 21 2024 00:23:24 (9 hours)
# 1.
Singer, Eric (2017) On the Justification of Unification as a Virtue of Scientific Theories. Hofstra University, Hofstra University.
Eiji Konishi
Fri Sep 20 2024 12:00:00 (21 hours)
# 2.
arXiv:2409.12322v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this article, we approach the structure of the quantum measuring system in the Euclidean regime of the classicalized holographic tensor network from the perspective of integrated information theory. As a result, we obtain the following picture of the Euclidean regime. First, there are complexes, which are independently accompanied by the level and structure of experiences, determined from the full transition probability matrix of the whole particle system. Second, the cause-effect structures of independent complexes would be directly entangled by the physical information propagation in the whole particle system. Finally, distinct full transition probability matrices of the whole particle system that exhibit the maximum cause-effect power may coexist.
Bartosz Jura
Fri Sep 20 2024 12:00:00 (21 hours)
# 3.
arXiv:2408.10253v2 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In a recent paper as an alternative to models based on the notion of ideal mathematical point, characterized by a property of separatedness, we considered a viewpoint based on the notion of continuous change, making use of elements of a non-classical logic, in particular the fuzzy sets theory, with events represented as spatiotemporally blurred blobs. Here we point out and discuss a number of aspects of this imperfect symbolic description that might potentially be misleading. Besides that, we analyze its relation to various concepts used commonly to model physical systems, denoted by terms like: point, set, continuous, discrete, infinite, or local, clarifying further how our viewpoint is different and asking whether, in light of our main postulate, any of these notions, or their opposites, if exist, are in their usual meanings suitable to accurately describe the natural phenomena.
Eleanor March, James Read
Fri Sep 20 2024 12:00:00 (21 hours)
# 4.
arXiv:2409.12200v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The ultra-relativistic limit of general relativity is a theory known as Carroll gravity. We provide a philosophical introduction to the formalism of Carroll gravity, and to its status as a limit of general relativity; we also explore some of its various conceptually interesting features.
Robert Dickinson, Jeff Forshaw, Ross Jenkinson, Peter Millington
Fri Sep 20 2024 12:00:00 (21 hours)
# 5.
arXiv:2409.12697v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We revisit the Unruh effect with a direct, probability-level calculation. We rederive the transition rate of a uniformly accelerating Unruh-DeWitt monopole detector coupled to a massive scalar field, from both the perspective of an inertial (Minkowski) observer and an accelerating (Rindler) observer. We show that, for a measurement at a finite time after the initial state is prepared, the two perspectives give the same transition rate. We show that an inertial detector in a thermal bath of Minkowski particles responds differently to the accelerated detector (which perceives a thermal bath of Rindler particles), except in the case of a massless field where there is agreement at all times. Finally, numerical results for the transition rate are presented and explained. We highlight the transient effects caused by forcing the field to initially be in the Minkowski vacuum state.
Florian Neukart
Fri Sep 20 2024 12:00:00 (21 hours)
# 6.
arXiv:2409.12206v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We propose a fundamental duality between the geometric properties of spacetime and the informational content of quantum fields. Specifically, we establish that the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the entanglement entropy of quantum states, with geometric invariants mapping to informational measures. This framework modifies Einstein’s field equations by introducing an informational stress-energy tensor derived from quantum entanglement entropy. Our findings have implications for black hole thermodynamics, cosmology, and quantum gravity, suggesting that quantum information fundamentally shapes the structure of spacetime. We incorporate this informational stress-energy tensor into Einstein’s field equations, leading to modified spacetime geometry, particularly in regimes of strong gravitational fields, such as near black holes. We compute corrections to Newton’s constant $G$ due to entanglement entropy contributions from various quantum fields and explore the consequences for black hole thermodynamics and cosmology. Our results indicate that quantum information plays a crucial role in gravitational dynamics, providing new insights into the nature of spacetime and potential solutions to long-standing challenges in quantum gravity.
Thu Sep 19 2024 23:54:22 (1 day)
# 7.
Bielińska, Marta and Jacobs, Caspar (2024) A Philosophical Introduction to Hidden Symmetries in Physics. [Preprint]
Thu Sep 19 2024 00:38:21 (2 days)
# 8.
Krátký, Matěj (2024) Physical Possibility of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect. [Preprint]
Flavio Del Santo, Nicolas Gisin
Wed Sep 18 2024 12:00:00 (2 days)
# 9.
arXiv:2409.10601v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: What is fundamentally quantum? We argue that most of the features, problems, and paradoxes — such as the measurement problem, the Wigner’s friend paradox and its proposed solutions, single particle nonlocality, and no-cloning — allegedly attributed to quantum physics have a clear classical analogue if one is to interpret classical physics as fundamentally indeterministic. What really characterizes quantum physics boils down only to phenomena that involve $\hbar$, i.e., incompatible observables.
Christopher M. Graney
Wed Sep 18 2024 12:00:00 (2 days)
# 10.
arXiv:2409.11349v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper provides an overview of recent historical research regarding scientifically-informed challenges to the idea that the stars are other suns orbited by other inhabited earths — an idea that came to be known as “the Plurality of Worlds”. Johannes Kepler in the seventeenth century, Jacques Cassini in the eighteenth, and William Whewell in the nineteenth each argued against “pluralism” based on what in their respective times was solid science. Nevertheless, pluralism remained popular despite these and other scientific challenges. This history will be of interest to the astronomical community so that it is better positioned to avoid difficulties should the historical trajectory of pluralism continue, especially as it persists in the popular imagination.
Christopher M. Graney
Wed Sep 18 2024 12:00:00 (2 days)
# 11.
arXiv:2409.11331v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In his 1616 discourse on the tides, Galileo claimed that diurnal tides occurred in Lisbon, Portugal, bolstering his theory of the tides. Lisbon does not feature such tides, but in an exchange of letters in 1629-1630, Giovanfrancesco Buonamici provided Galileo with information on where such tides could be found. Buonamici referred Galileo to the Regimiento de Navegaci\’on of Andr\’es Garc\’ia de C\’espedes, and to the Descrittione di Tutti i Paesi Bassi of Lodovico Guicciardini. Galileo omitted any information on where diurnal tides occurred from his 1632 Dialogue, perhaps unintentionally, leaving him open to criticism. Buonamici’s material militates against that criticism.
Maximilian Schlosshauer
Tue Sep 17 2024 18:00:00 (3 days)
# 12.
Author(s): Maximilian Schlosshauer
We compare the performance of protective quantum measurements to that of standard projective measurements. Performance is quantified in terms of the uncertainty in the measured expectation value. We derive an expression for the relative performance of these two types of quantum measurements and show…
[Phys. Rev. A 110, 032215] Published Tue Sep 17, 2024
R. A. Caetano and R. M. Angelo
Tue Sep 17 2024 18:00:00 (3 days)
# 13.
Author(s): R. A. Caetano and R. M. Angelo
Based on (i) the physical principle of local causality and (ii) a certain notion of elements of reality, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen put forward an argument showing that physical instances may exist in which two noncommuting observables can be joint elements of the physical reality. Here, we intro…
[Phys. Rev. A 110, 032214] Published Tue Sep 17, 2024