Giulia Rubino, Karen V. Hovhannisyan, Paul Skrzypczyk
Fri Jun 28 2024 12:31:02 (21 hours)
# 1.
arXiv:2406.18632v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Work is a process-based quantity, and its measurement typically requires interaction with a measuring device multiple times. While classical systems allow for non-invasive and accurate measurements, quantum systems present unique challenges due to the influence of the measuring device on the final value of work. As recent studies have shown, among these challenges is the impossibility of formulating a universal definition of work that respects energy conservation for coherent quantum systems and is compatible with the Jarzynski equality – a fluctuation relation linking the equilibrium free energy difference to the non-equilibrium work. Here we overcome this challenge by introducing a genuinely quantum, positive correction to the Jarzynski equality stemming from imposing energy conservation. When sufficiently large, this correction forces quantum work to violate the second law more often. Moreover, we construct modified two-point measurement (TPM) schemes for work that ensure energy conservation for coherent quantum states and align with our quantum-corrected fluctuation relation. We further underscore the practicality and effectiveness of these schemes by providing detailed circuit implementations for them.
Raymond Isichei, Joao Magueijo
Fri Jun 28 2024 12:30:59 (21 hours)
# 2.
arXiv:2406.18979v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We explore the well know mass deficit/surplus phenomenon in General Relativity to suggest that it could play a part in the dark matter conundrum. Specifically in collapses and condensations of matter associated with negative intrinsic curvature of the foliation associated with the asymptotic boundary conditions, the external (ADM) mass can vastly exceed the integrated local energy over the internal volume. This can be phrased in terms of a deficit of volume for a given surface area (with respect to zero curvature). We explore the phenomenon in the context of generalizations of the Oppenheimer-Snyder models and other “cut and paste” models, the Lemaitre-Bondi-Tolman metric and several others. We produce constructions where the internal object is contracting or expanding, has a life time different from the asymptotic Universe, as well as a volume different than the escavated volume from the Universe. These are purely relativistic constructions and they could play a role in the puzzle of dark matter: attraction without visible or indeed any matter.
Jerzy Paczos, Joshua Foo, Magdalena Zych
Fri Jun 28 2024 12:30:48 (21 hours)
# 3.
arXiv:2406.19037v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: State-of-the-art atom interferometers can keep atoms in a superposition of heights in Earth’s gravitational field for times reaching minute-scale, allowing for precise measurements of the gravitational potential. Yet, the phase shifts measured in such experiments can always be explained with a non-relativistic theory of gravity. There is therefore growing interest in finding feasible ways to use such new experimental capabilities to go beyond the non-relativistic regime. Here we propose modifying the existing experimental setups to probe both the quantum and the general relativistic effects on the atom’s dynamics. Our proposal consists of adding two additional laser pulses in a trapped atom interferometer that would set up a quantum clock trapped at a superposition of heights reading a quantum superposition of relativistic proper times. We derive the phases acquired by different trajectories in the interferometer and demonstrate that the effect of superposition of proper times would manifest itself in two ways in the interference pattern: as visibility modulations, and as a shift of the resonant frequency of the atom. We argue that the latter might be observable with current technology.
Fri Jun 28 2024 01:53:37 (1 day)
# 4.
Bhatta, Varun (2024) The Controversy about Interference of Photons. [Preprint]
Fri Jun 28 2024 01:46:28 (1 day)
# 5.
Slavov, Matias (2024) About time, concisely. Metascience. ISSN 0815-0796
Fri Jun 28 2024 01:43:32 (1 day)
# 6.
Kastner, Ruth (2024) Conventional Quantum Theory Does Not Support A Coherent Relational Account. [Preprint]
Thu Jun 27 2024 07:05:18 (2 days)
# 7.
Arroyo, Raoni Wohnrath and Arenhart, Jonas R. B. (2024) Quantum ontology de-naturalized: What we can’t learn from quantum mechanics. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science. ISSN 2171-679X
Thu Jun 27 2024 05:34:06 (2 days)
# 8.
Cuffaro, Michael E. and Hartmann, Stephan (2023) The Open Systems View. [Preprint]
Thu Jun 27 2024 05:33:36 (2 days)
# 9.
Vanzella, Daniel A. Turolla and Butterfield, Jeremy (2024) A frame-bundle formulation of quantum reference frames: from superposition of perspectives to superposition of geometries. [Preprint]
Helen Meskhidze
Wed Jun 26 2024 12:10:05 (2 days)
# 10.
arXiv:2406.17594v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: I consider the classical (i.e., non-relativistic) limit of Teleparallel Gravity, a relativistic theory of gravity that is empirically equivalent to General Relativity and features torsional forces. I show that as the speed of light is allowed to become infinite, Teleparallel Gravity reduces to Newtonian Gravity without torsion. I compare these results to the torsion-free context and discuss their implications on the purported underdetermination between Teleparallel Gravity and General Relativity. I conclude by considering alternative approaches to the classical limit developed in the literature.
Michael J. W. Hall
Wed Jun 26 2024 12:10:02 (2 days)
# 11.
arXiv:2009.14223v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: A 1964 paper by John Bell gave the first demonstration that quantum mechanics is incompatible with local hidden variables. There is an ongoing and vigorous debate on whether he relied on an assumption of determinism, or instead, as he later claimed, derived determinism from assumptions of locality and perfect correlation. This paper aims to bring clarity to the debate via simple examples and rigorous results. It is shown that the weak form of locality used in Bell’s 1964 paper (parameter independence) is insufficient for such a derivation, whereas an independent form called outcome independence is sufficient even when weak locality does not hold. It further follows that outcome independence, by itself, implies that standard quantum mechanics is incomplete. It is also shown that an appeal by Bell to the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky argument to support his claim fails, via examples that expose logical gaps in this argument. However, replacing the reality criterion underpinning the argument by a stronger criterion enables a rigorous derivation of both weak locality and determinism, as required for Bell’s 1964 paper. Consequences for quantum interpretations, locality, and classical common causes are briefly discussed, with reference to an example of local classical indeterminism.
Johannes Branahl
Tue Jun 25 2024 12:20:49 (3 days)
# 12.
arXiv:2406.15837v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In recent years, criticism of the methodology of particle physics beyond the Standard Model has increased, diagnosing too much reliance on aesthetic criteria for theory development and evaluation. Faced with several decades of experimental confirmation of all theories lacking, we subject four aesthetic criteria – simplicity, symmetry, elegance, and inevitability -, regularly mentioned in theory evaluation, to critical examination. We find that these criteria, all of which can be reduced to a desire for simplicity, have repeatedly misled modern particle physics. This is largely due to the lack of metatheoretical permanence of a uniform conception of simplicity. The reductionist claim of particle physics – the search for simple fundamental principles in a complex world – will be worked out as the reason why this discipline is particularly susceptible to the aesthetic appeal of simplicity. Thus, compared to disciplines dealing with complex phenomena, aesthetic criteria are much more frequently applied, exposing particle physics to the risk of missteps and dead ends.
James Owen Weatherall, Helen Meskhidze
Tue Jun 25 2024 12:20:48 (3 days)
# 13.
arXiv:2406.15932v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Teleparallel gravity shares many qualitative features with general relativity, but differs from it in the following way: whereas in general relativity, gravitation is a manifestation of space-time curvature, in teleparallel gravity, spacetime is (always) flat. Gravitational effects in this theory arise due to spacetime torsion. It is often claimed that teleparallel gravity is an equivalent reformulation of general relativity. In this paper we question that view. We argue that the theories are not equivalent, by the criterion of categorical equivalence and any stronger criterion, and that teleparallel gravity posits strictly more structure than general relativity.
Mariana Espinosa-Aldama, Sergio Mendoza
Tue Jun 25 2024 12:20:47 (3 days)
# 14.
arXiv:2406.15517v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We propose several hierarchical graphs that represent the semantic relations between physical theories, their fundamental constants and units of measurement. We begin with an alternative representation of Zelmanov’s cube of fundamental constants as a concept lattice. We then propose the inclusion of a new fundamental constant: Milgrom’s critical acceleration and discuss the implications of such analysis. We then look for the same fundamental constants in a graph that relates magnitudes and units of measurement in the International System of Units. This exercise shows the potential of visualizing hierarchical networks as a tool to better comprehend the interrelations and dependencies of physical magnitudes, units and theories. New regimes of application may be deduced, as well as an interesting reflection on our ontologies and corresponding theoretical objects.
Wolfgang Bietenholz, Jos\’e Antonio Garc\’ia-Hern\’andez
Tue Jun 25 2024 12:20:46 (3 days)
# 15.
arXiv:2406.15706v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Peter Higgs was a British theoretical physicist, famous for his work published in 1964, where he proposed a mechanism that can generate masses for elementary particles, while respecting gauge invariance. Half a century later, two experiments at CERN confirmed that this mechanism is realized in nature. On April 8th, we received the sad news of the passing of the great pioneer of elementary particle physics. This article is dedicated to his memory, and to the mechanism and particle that bear his name. — Peter Higgs fue un f\’isico te\’orico brit\’anico, famoso por su trabajo de 1964 donde propuso un mecanismo que puede generar masas para part\’iculas elementales, conforme a la simetr\’ia de norma. Medio siglo m\’as tarde, dos experimentos del CERN confirmaron que este mecanismo est\’a realizado en la naturaleza. El 8 de abril nos lleg\’o la triste noticia del fallecimiento del gran pionero de la fisica de part\’iculas elementales. Este art\’iculo es dedicado a su memoria, as\’i como al mecanismo y a la part\’icula que llevan su nombre.
Tue Jun 25 2024 03:24:07 (4 days)
# 16.
de Ronde, Christian and Fernández Mouján, Raimundo and Massri, Cesar (2024) On the Relative Nature of Quantum Individuals. [Preprint]
Tue Jun 25 2024 03:20:35 (4 days)
# 17.
Jiang, Yihan (2024) The Metaphysics of Mechanisms: An Ontic Structural Realist Perspective. [Preprint]