Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (50)

Better Foundations for Subjective Probability 

from philsciSat Dec 16 2023 08:30:12 (2 hours)# 1.

Neth, Sven (2023) Better Foundations for Subjective Probability. [Preprint]

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The entropy of finite gravitating regions. (arXiv:2312.08434v1 [hep-th]) 

from gr-qc by Vijay Balasubramanian, Charlie CummingsFri Dec 15 2023 11:11:08 (23 hours)# 2.

We develop a formalism for calculating the entanglement entropy of an arbitrary spatial region of a gravitating spacetime at a moment of time symmetry. The crucial ingredient is a path integral over embeddings of the region in the overall spacetime, interpretable as a sum over the edge modes associated with the region. We find that the entanglement entropy of a gravitating region equals the minimal surface area among all regions that enclose it. This suggests a notion of “terrestrial holography” where regions of space can encode larger ones, in contrast to the standard form of holography, in which degrees of freedom on the celestial sphere at the boundary of the universe encodes the interior.

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Haag as a How-To Theorem 

from philsciFri Dec 15 2023 10:50:54 (1 day)# 3.

Freeborn, David Peter Wallis and Gilton, Marian and Mitsch, Chris (2023) Haag as a How-To Theorem. [Preprint]

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Logical foundations of physics. Resolution of classical and quantum paradoxes in the finitistic paraconsistent logic NAFL 

from philsciFri Dec 15 2023 07:14:35 (1 day)# 4.

Srinivasan, Radhakrishnan (2023) Logical foundations of physics. Resolution of classical and quantum paradoxes in the finitistic paraconsistent logic NAFL. [Preprint]

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Disruptive Discoveries More Likely between Scientists Who Meet Face to Face 

from APS selected papers by Katherine WrightThu Dec 14 2023 18:00:00 (1 day)# 5.

Author(s): Katherine Wright

Collaborations between scientists at far-off institutions are less likely to produce breakthrough discoveries than those between scientists who can meet face to face on a regular basis.

[Physics 16, 210] Published Thu Dec 14, 2023

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On the reality of the quantum state once again: A no-go theorem for ψ-ontic models 

from philsciThu Dec 14 2023 13:35:48 (1 day)# 6.

Carcassi, Gabriele and Aidala, Christine A and Oldofredi, Andrea (2022) On the reality of the quantum state once again: A no-go theorem for ψ-ontic models. [Preprint]

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Theories Without Models: Uncontrolled Idealizations in Particle Physics. (arXiv:2312.08045v1 [hep-ph]) 

from physics.hist-ph by Antonis Antoniou, Karim P. Y. ThébaultThu Dec 14 2023 10:58:00 (2 days)# 7.

The perturbative treatment of realistic quantum field theories, such as quantum electrodynamics, requires the use of mathematical idealizations in the approximation series for scattering amplitudes. Such mathematical idealisations are necessary to derive empirically relevant models from the theory. Mathematical idealizations can be either controlled or uncontrolled, depending on whether current scientific knowledge can explain whether the effects of the idealization are negligible or not. Drawing upon negative formal results in asymptotic analysis (failure of Borel summability) and renormalization group theory (failure of asymptotic safety), we argue that the mathematical idealizations applied in perturbative quantum electrodynamics should be understood as uncontrolled. This, in turn, leads to the problematic conclusion that such theories do not have theoretical models in the standard understanding of this term. The existence of unquestionable empirically successful theories without theoretical models has significant implications both for our understanding of the theory-model relationship in physics and the concept of empirical adequacy.

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The Discovery of the Expanding Universe: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions 

from philsciWed Dec 13 2023 16:40:45 (2 days)# 8.

Duerr, Patrick M. and Holmes, Abigail (2023) The Discovery of the Expanding Universe: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions. [Preprint]

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Heterodox underdetermination: metaphysical options for discernibility and (non-)entanglement 

from philsciWed Dec 13 2023 16:40:23 (2 days)# 9.

Bräutigam, Maren (2023) Heterodox underdetermination: metaphysical options for discernibility and (non-)entanglement. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. ISSN 00393681

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The Promise of Supersymmetry 

from philsciWed Dec 13 2023 16:38:44 (2 days)# 10.

Fischer, Enno (2023) The Promise of Supersymmetry. [Preprint]

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US Particle Physicists Make Their Wish List 

from APS selected papers by Katherine WrightTue Dec 12 2023 18:00:00 (3 days)# 11.

Author(s): Katherine Wright

A report from a panel of particle physicists lays out a roadmap for the future of their field. Top priorities are a cosmic microwave observatory and a muon collider.

[Physics 16, 208] Published Tue Dec 12, 2023

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Inconsistency Turns Up Again for Cosmological Observations 

from APS selected papers by Mijin YoonMon Dec 11 2023 18:00:00 (4 days)# 12.

Author(s): Mijin Yoon

A new analysis of the distribution of matter in the Universe continues to find a discrepancy in the clumpiness of dark matter in the late and early Universe, suggesting a fundamental error in the standard cosmological model.

[Physics 16, 193] Published Mon Dec 11, 2023

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