Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 24-30
Umberto Lucia [Show Biography]
Umberto Lucia was born in Alessandria (Italy) on April 25th 1966. He obtained the M.Sc. in Physics (Università di Torino, Italy); the Ph.D. in Energetics (Università di Firenze, Italy); the M.R.A. in Condensed Matter Physics (Università di Ferrara, Italy). He was a fellowship in Nuclear physics and Mathematical physics at Università di Torino, in thermal properties of matter at Università di Ferrara, in applied physics at Italian National Institute of Matter (INFM) in Genova, he worked as applied researcher in technology transfer at INFM for 4 years, and, after having taught Physics at Secondary Schools, and having developed his researches in thermodynamics at his own home for more than ten years, in 2011 he passed the selections for Assistant Professor of Thermal Engineering and Energy Systems at the Politecnico di Torino, where, now, he teaches Applied thermodynamics and heat transfer, and Physical bases of thermal therapies, and develops studies and researches in Irreversible thermodynamics, biosystems thermodynamics, quantum thermodynamics, and biothermoeconomics.
His scientific interest is to improve the irreversible thermodynamic approach to biosystems with particular regards to the control of ions fluxes by controlling the molecular machines and the macromolecules interactions inside the living systems. To do so, it is fundamental the thermodynamic analysis of quantum systems, with particular regards to irreversibility in atoms and molecules. So, he studies the quantum irreversibility in atoms in interactions with photons and external fields, in order to control the cancer growth. For him, quantum and irreversible thermodynamics could represent a new approach to non linear and complex problems as cancer.
Atoms continuously interact with the photons of the electromagnetic fields in their environment. This electromagnetic interaction is the consequence of the thermal nonequilibrium. It introduces an element of randomness to atomic and molecular motion, which brings to the decreasing of path probability required for microscopic reversibility of evolution. In any atomic electron-photon interaction an energy footprint is given to the atom, and the emitted photon looses energy. The emission of radiation isn’t time reversible and this causes the irreversibility in macroscopic systems.
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