The 2nd International Topoi Conference The Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics will be held at the Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 2-3 October 2014. Here are list of speakers and links to the abstracts of their talks:
Keynote Speakers:
Valia Allori (Northern Illinois University) – ‘Quantum Mechanics and Paradigm Shift’
Angelo Cei (University of Rome) – ‘Reflections on Atomism, Quantum Mechanics and Mereology’
Mauro Dorato (University of Rome) – ‘Quantum Mechanics as a Metaphysics of Events’
Michael Esfeld (University of Lausanne) – ‘Powers and Primitive Ontology in Quantum Physics’
Tim Maudlin (New York University) – ‘The Universal and the Local in Quantum Theory’
Five additional speakers have been selected from those who submitted proposals:
Johanna Wolff (The University of Hong Kong) – ‘Spin as a Determinable’
Wayne Myrvold (University of Western Ontario) – ‘What is a Wavefunction?’
George Darby (University of Oxford) – ‘Entanglement and the Metaphysician on the Clapham Omnibus’
Joshua Rosaler (University of Pittsburgh) – ‘Interpretation Neutrality in the Classical Domain of Quantum Theory’
Vincent Lam (University of Lausanne) – ‘A Primitive Structuralist Ontology for Quantum Mechanics: the Wave Function as a Physical Structure in Spacetime’
For the Conference Programme click here.