Backward Non-unitary Quantum Evolution
pages 134-146
Christos Dedes [Show Biography]
Abstract | Full Text Download (243k)
pages 134-146
Christos Dedes [Show Biography]
Abstract | Full Text Download (243k)
MOND vs. dark matter in light of historical parallels. (arXiv:1910.04368v1 [astro-ph.GA]) 2019年10月11日 星期五 下午8:32 | physics.hist-ph updates on Authors: Mordehai Milgrom MOND is a paradigm that contends to account for the mass discrepancies in the Universe without invoking `dark’ components, such as `dark matter’ and `dark energy’. It does so by supplanting Newtonian dynamics and General Relativity, departing from them… Read more →