Weekly Papers on Quantum Foundations (43)

A Note on Density Matrix Realism 


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Sat Oct 22 2022 01:45:12 (7 hours)

# 1.

Gao, Shan (2022) A Note on Density Matrix Realism. [Preprint]

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Reconciling temporal experience with physical time: an integration of phenomenology, neuropsychology, and physics 


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Sat Oct 22 2022 01:44:26 (7 hours)

# 2.

Anderson Jr., Robert / M. and Davis, Alexandra / T. Reconciling temporal experience with physical time: an integration of phenomenology, neuropsychology, and physics. UNSPECIFIED.

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Contextuality or nonlocality; what would John Bell choose today?. (arXiv:2202.09639v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) 


physics.hist-ph updates on arXiv.org


Marian Kupczynski

Fri Oct 21 2022 08:47:49 (1 day)

# 3.

The violation of BI-CHSH inequalities does not justify speculations about quantum nonlocality, retro-causation and super-determinism. In Bell Tests, we have 4 incompatible experiments and a joint probability distribution of their outcomes does not exist. Bell-local realistic hidden variable model is a non-contextual probabilistic coupling allowing deriving BI-CHSH inequalities. The violation of inequalities tells us only, that such coupling cannot reproduce all quantum predictions and explain experimental data. The data and an apparent violation of no-signaling may be explained, in a locally causal way, if hidden variables depend on experimental setting, but setting dependence is believed to violate measurement independence (MI), free choice or no conspiracy. It is misleading. MI should be called non-contextuality, because it allows implementing random variables, describing incompatible random experiments, on a unique probability space, on which they are jointly distributed; and its violation should be called contextuality. For us, the violation of Bell inequalities proves only that hidden variables have to depend on settings confirming contextual character of quantum observables and an active role played by measuring instruments. Bell thought that he had to choose between nonlocality and super-determinism. From two bad choices he chose nonlocality. Today he would probably choose contextuality.

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Effect of a moving mirror on the free fall of a quantum particle in a homogeneous gravitational field. (arXiv:2210.11306v1 [quant-ph]) 


gr-qc updates on arXiv.org


J. Allam, A. Matzkin

Fri Oct 21 2022 08:47:34 (1 day)

# 4.

We investigate the effect of time-dependent boundary conditions on the dynamics of a quantum bouncer — a particle falling in a homogeneous gravitational field on a moving mirror. We examine more particularly the way a moving mirror modifies the properties of the entire wavefunction of a falling particle. We find that some effects, such as the fact that a quantum particle hitting a moving mirror may bounce significantly higher than when the mirror is fixed, are in line with classical intuition. Other effects, such as the change in relative phases or in the current density in spatial regions arbitrarily far from the mirror are specifically quantum. We further discuss how the effects produced by a moving mirror could be observed in link with current experiments, in particular with cold neutrons.

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Light speed variation from GRB 221009A. (arXiv:2210.11376v1 [astro-ph.HE]) 


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Jie Zhu, Bo-Qiang Ma

Fri Oct 21 2022 08:47:31 (1 day)

# 5.

It is postulated in Einstein’s relativity that the speed of light in vacuum is a constant for all observers. However, the effect of quantum gravity could bring an energy dependence of light speed, and a series of previous researches on high-energy photon events from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) suggest a light speed variation $v(E)=c\left(1-E / E_{\mathrm{LV}}\right)$ with $E_{\mathrm{LV}}=3.6 \times 10^{17} ~\mathrm{GeV}$. From the newly detected gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A, we find that a $99.3~$GeV photon detected by Fermi-LAT is coincident with the sharp spike in the light curves detected by Fermi-GBM and HEBS under the above scenario of light speed variation, suggesting that this high energy photon was emitted at the same time with a sharp spike of low energy photon emission at the GRB source. Thus this highest energy photon event detected by Fermi-LAT during the prompt emission of gamma ray bursts supports the linear form modification of light speed in cosmological space.

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Incoherent? No, Just Decoherent: How Quantum Many Worlds Emerge 


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Fri Oct 21 2022 01:11:38 (1 day)

# 6.

Franklin, Alexander (2022) Incoherent? No, Just Decoherent: How Quantum Many Worlds Emerge. [Preprint]

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How Do the Probabilities Arise in Quantum Measurement?. (arXiv:2210.10624v1 [physics.pop-ph]) 


physics.hist-ph updates on arXiv.org


Mani L. Bhaumik

Thu Oct 20 2022 08:50:56 (2 days)

# 7.

A satisfactory resolution of the persistent quantum measurement problem remains stubbornly unresolved in spite of an overabundance of efforts of many prominent scientists over the decades. Among others, one key element is considered yet to be resolved. It comprises of where the probabilities of the measurement outcome stem from. This article attempts to provide a plausible answer to this enigma, thus eventually making progress toward a cogent solution of the longstanding measurement problem.

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Ultrafast visualization of an electric field under the Lorentz transformation 


Nature Physics


Masato Ota; Koichi Kan; Soichiro Komada; Youwei Wang; Verdad C. Agulto; Valynn Katrine Mag-usara; Yasunobu Arikawa; Makoto R. Asakawa; Youichi Sakawa; Tatsunosuke Matsui; Makoto Nakajima

Thu Oct 20 2022 08:00:00 (2 days)

# 8.

Nature Physics, Published online: 20 October 2022; doi:10.1038/s41567-022-01767-w

The Lorentz transformation of electromagnetic potentials is confirmed in experiments with a highly energetic electron beam. This provides another test of the predictions of special relativity.

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Experimentally confirming the special relativistic properties of Coulomb fields 


Nature Physics

Thu Oct 20 2022 08:00:00 (2 days)

# 9.

Nature Physics, Published online: 20 October 2022; doi:10.1038/s41567-022-01768-9

The spatiotemporal profile of the electric field around a high-energy electron beam was visualized using an ultrafast technique based on electro-optic sampling. By investigating the formation of the Coulomb field it was possible to experimentally confirm the validity of the predictions of special relativity regarding electromagnetic fields.

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Connecting the revolutionary with the conventional: Rethinking the differences between the works of Brouwer, Heyting, and Weyl 


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Thu Oct 20 2022 05:13:23 (2 days)

# 10.

Kish Bar-On, Kati (2022) Connecting the revolutionary with the conventional: Rethinking the differences between the works of Brouwer, Heyting, and Weyl. [Preprint]

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Gödel mathematics versus Hilbert mathematics. I The Gödel incompleteness (1931) statement: axiom or theorem? 


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Thu Oct 20 2022 05:13:08 (2 days)

# 11.

Penchev, Vasil (2022) Gödel mathematics versus Hilbert mathematics. I The Gödel incompleteness (1931) statement: axiom or theorem? [Preprint]

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A crack in the track of the Hubble constant 


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Wed Oct 19 2022 01:29:49 (3 days)

# 12.

Gueguen, Marie (2022) A crack in the track of the Hubble constant. [Preprint]

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“Perception” at a distance in EPR-Bohm experiments with reversible measurements 


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Wed Oct 19 2022 01:28:46 (3 days)

# 13.

Gao, Shan (2022) “Perception” at a distance in EPR-Bohm experiments with reversible measurements. [Preprint]

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Functionalising the Wavefunction 


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Wed Oct 19 2022 01:26:47 (3 days)

# 14.

Lorenzetti, Lorenzo (2022) Functionalising the Wavefunction. [Preprint]

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Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis and Free Probability 


PRL: General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.


Silvia Pappalardi, Laura Foini, and Jorge Kurchan

Tue Oct 18 2022 18:00:00 (3 days)

# 15.

Author(s): Silvia Pappalardi, Laura Foini, and Jorge Kurchan

Quantum thermalization is well understood via the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH). The general form of ETH, describing all the relevant correlations of matrix elements, may be derived on the basis of a “typicality” argument of invariance with respect to local rotations involving nearby en…

[Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 170603] Published Tue Oct 18, 2022

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What spacetime does: ideal observers and (Earman’s) symmetry principles 


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Tue Oct 18 2022 05:07:30 (4 days)

# 16.

Sus, Adán (2022) What spacetime does: ideal observers and (Earman’s) symmetry principles. [Preprint]

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First-class constraints generate gauge transformations in electromagnetism (reply to Pitts) 


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Tue Oct 18 2022 05:05:46 (4 days)

# 17.

Pooley, Oliver and Wallace, David (2022) First-class constraints generate gauge transformations in electromagnetism (reply to Pitts). [Preprint]

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The Nature of a Constant of Nature: the Case of G 


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Tue Oct 18 2022 05:04:41 (4 days)

# 18.

Jacobs, Caspar (2022) The Nature of a Constant of Nature: the Case of G. [Preprint]

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Freedom in the many-worlds interpretation. (arXiv:2210.07596v1 [physics.hist-ph]) 


physics.hist-ph updates on arXiv.org


Ovidiu Cristinel Stoica

Mon Oct 17 2022 09:11:38 (5 days)

# 19.

In “The Multiverse Pandemic” (arXiv:2210.05377), Gisin makes an interesting case against the many-worlds interpretation (MWI), arguing that it is contradicted by our hard to deny free-will. The counts are: (1) MWI is deterministic, forcing choices on us, (2) in MWI all our possible choices happen, and (3) MWI limits creativity, because everything is entangled with everything else.

I argue that each of these features of MWI provides in fact more freedom than it may seem.

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The Nature of a Constant of Nature 


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Mon Oct 17 2022 07:14:59 (5 days)

# 20.

Jacobs, Caspar (2022) The Nature of a Constant of Nature. [Preprint]

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The Simplicity of Physical Laws 


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Sat Oct 15 2022 15:34:45 (6 days)

# 21.

Chen, Eddy Keming (2022) The Simplicity of Physical Laws. [Preprint]

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